
The Art of Arctic Research

  • Svalbard, a remote archipelago situated in the Arctic Ocean just below the North Pole, is a unique and unparalleled location for research. With its pristine natural environment, the region offers endless opportunities for scientific exploration. The permafrost, fjords, glaciers and tundra provide an unparalleled opportunity for research in fields such as climate science, geology, and biology. As the effects of climate change become more apparent, Svalbard has become an important hub for scientific research into the impact of melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and the changing Arctic ecosystem. Social challenges, such as the impact of tourism on nature and the local community, and the preservation of memories, stories and cultural heritage, are also pressing concerns within social sciences.

    Svalbard also offers a unique setting for artistic exploration, as it is a place of stark beauty, fragility, and diversity. It is a place that has long captured the imaginations of artists and writers, who have been drawn to its haunting emptiness, allowing them to disconnect from the distractions of the modern world and immerse themselves in their work. Its rugged and unforgiven landscapes are home to various species of animals, plants, and microorganisms, some of which are endangered or endemic. Its human communities, composed of 52 nationalities, have a long history of resource exploitation, adventure seeking, and cultural exchange, but also face challenges related to climate change, tourism, governance, and identity. Svalbard is also a place where global issues such as environmental justice, international treaties, and geopolitical tensions intersect and resonate.

  • As the world faces increasingly complex challenges, interdisciplinary research has become more important than ever. The intersection of science, technology, and arts provides a unique opportunity to explore and solve these challenges in innovative and creative ways. Science and arts have their distinct frameworks. Science is based on evidence-based inquiry, experimentation, and logical reasoning. It aims to understand the natural world by discovering and explaining the physical and chemical laws that govern the universe. The scientific method includes hypothesis testing, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It follows a rigorous and structured approach to gain knowledge.

    On the other hand, arts follow a more subjective approach. The framework of arts involves creativity, imagination, and aesthetics. It is more focused on emotions, feelings, and personal expressions. It aims to explore the human experience and cultural expression. It encompasses various forms of artistic expressions such as literature, music, visual arts, and performing arts.

    However, the collaboration between the two fields has been recognized as crucial in addressing complex issues. While science is often viewed as objective and arts as subjective, the two are intertwined. Both science and arts aim to explore and understand the world around us, albeit through superficially different approaches.
    The integration of arts and sciences has resulted in the emergence of interdisciplinary fields such as bioart, digital humanities, and cognitive science. These fields have fostered creative and innovative solutions to various problems, such as environmental degradation, healthcare, and social inequality. Collaboration between artists and scientists has also led to new perspectives and ways of thinking, as well as new tools and technologies for research and artistic expression.

  • In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Artistic Research as a means of exploring and understanding the world around us. The concept of an art-based research is a relatively new field, but it has already shown great potential in fostering creativity, innovation, and critical thinking.
    Artistic Research is a mode of inquiry that integrates artistic, theoretical, and scientific methods and approaches to generate new knowledge and understanding. Unlike academic research, which often emphasizes objectivity, quantification, and specialization, artistic research values subjectivity, creativity, and transdisciplinarity. By combining different modes of expression, such as visual art, music, performance, literature, film, or digital media, with critical reflection and experimentation, artistic research seeks to produce not only aesthetic experiences but also insights into the social, cultural, and ecological dimensions of human existence.

    Svalbard also offers a unique setting for artistic exploration, as it is a place of stark beauty, fragility, and diversity. It is a place that has long captured the imaginations of artists and writers, who have been drawn to its haunting emptiness, allowing them to disconnect from the distractions of the modern world and immerse themselves in their work. Its rugged and unforgiven landscapes are home to various species of animals, plants, and microorganisms, some of which are endangered or endemic. Its human communities, composed of 52 nationalities, have a long history of resource exploitation, adventure seeking, and cultural exchange, but also face challenges related to climate change, tourism, governance, and identity. Svalbard is also a place where global issues such as environmental justice, international treaties, and geopolitical tensions intersect and resonate.

Images 1 / 3 / 5: © Lena von Goedeke 2023

Images 2 / 5: © Maggie Coblentz for MIT Space Exploration Initiative 2022